Raymond draws cartoons, often inspired by science and history.
Scientific-ish cartoons
I create a science-inspired cartoon for the Science Borealis Newsletter that comes out every two weeks. You should sign up.
Comic about the incarceration of Japanese Canadians
Commissioned for the Hastings Park web site on the treatment of Japanese Canadians during World War II.
Comic about my writing group
Published in the Nikkei Voice, August 2017. Our group was originally called the Depraved Haberdashers but that seems to fallen in disuse by current members.
Science-y cartoons
From 2008 to 2019, I drew a comic to accompany science articles I wrote for Science World. This particular one was about the part of the chicken often called the "Pope's Nose." I hope nobody gets upset about it. Inspired by my hero, Leonardo da Vinci.
Japanese Canadian history comic
A series I posted on my blog, which has also been reposted on The Unpublishables. It recounts my grandmother’s life and Japanese Canadian history.
Family cartoons
A web comic based on life, which I post on the Tapas web comic hosting site.
Gag cartoons
Single panel cartoons I submit to magazines. I've been published in the Harvard Business Review, among others.
Cartoon illustrations
Cartoons commissioned to illustrate CSJ blog. Canadian Science Publishing.
Japanese Canadian history comic
An imagined scene in the Japanese Canadian community after Pearl Harbor published in the Nikkei Voice. Inspired by Art Spiegelman's Maus.