When you need more

Random Synaptic Activity

More or less daily comics

Nikkei Kotoba Forest

The Nikkei National Museum ran an interesting project called the Nikkei Kotoba Forest for which they requested that contributors write and record a poem and include a picture that was used together in combination. This was my contribution, a series of Japanese words that I would have heard growing up.

In the Nikkei of Time

Jichan gohan
Sansei Sensei
Shimbun Shogun
Sushi udon
Judo dorosu
Shogatsu tako
Baka Urusai

(Iā€™m home

Grandpa Rice

Third Generation Teacher

Newspaper Shogun (TV show)

Sushi Udon

Judo underwear


New Year Octopus

Idiot Annoying

Too noisy!)