When you need more

Random Synaptic Activity

More or less daily comics

Canadian Science Centres Association Conference in Vancouver

I love the inspiring energy of meeting people with similar interests and enthusiasms at conferences. At this CASC conference, I presented on how I write a science blog, or at least the main points of it, based on my experience writing posts for Science World since 2008. It was a good experience to reflect on my practise and to receive feedback from the participants. I repeated my blurb for small groups of people and after a while was not sure if I had said something already or not. But at least by responding to questions I could address other issues.


My talk

My talk

Art in science centres. Maybe one day, I have cartoons on display. 

Art in science centres. Maybe one day, I have cartoons on display. 

Not actually what I expected, but at interesting program for at-risk youth involving sports and science. Reminded me of when I was a science coach at the Ailanthus Achievement Centre. Maybe they could connect to the Richmond Olympic Experience too. 

Not actually what I expected, but at interesting program for at-risk youth involving sports and science. Reminded me of when I was a science coach at the Ailanthus Achievement Centre. Maybe they could connect to the Richmond Olympic Experience too. 

Prototyping with visitors seems like an obvious thing to do, though you wonder how to make some cheap and easy that is close enough to give you relevant results. As in my writing group, it is helpful get get feedback and see if things meet your inte…

Prototyping with visitors seems like an obvious thing to do, though you wonder how to make some cheap and easy that is close enough to give you relevant results. As in my writing group, it is helpful get get feedback and see if things meet your intentions. 

Dealing with controversial topics might be one of the most interesting things that science centres can do, though often I think they avoid them altogether. Despite the ideals to provide a neutral ground for the presentation of science, funding reali…

Dealing with controversial topics might be one of the most interesting things that science centres can do, though often I think they avoid them altogether. Despite the ideals to provide a neutral ground for the presentation of science, funding realities can compromise perceptions, and, of course, people are not rational. 

I love designing games, though I don't do much of it now, I am intrigued by the ideas embedded in various kinds of games. If I'd been born forty years later I might be making games, but who knows, maybe an old dog can learn new tricks. 

I love designing games, though I don't do much of it now, I am intrigued by the ideas embedded in various kinds of games. If I'd been born forty years later I might be making games, but who knows, maybe an old dog can learn new tricks. 

I was familiar with his work though I haven't actually read them. He insisted that he was not opposed to tech, but that nature needs more advocates and that we need hybrid minds that are comfortable with computers and forests. I was intrigued and ca…

I was familiar with his work though I haven't actually read them. He insisted that he was not opposed to tech, but that nature needs more advocates and that we need hybrid minds that are comfortable with computers and forests. I was intrigued and can believe, that he suggested a compelling vision of a nature rich future is more engaging and empowering than simply talking about the efficiencies of a sustainable world.